Games and Sports

E3 Goodness, Yin and Yang

This year’s E3 is rolling! Let the wet dreams begin! If there is any doubt, I think this year is the year of the hardware designer. The success that Apple has had with the iPod and latest Macs with respect to design I think has had a profound influence on the consumer electronics industry. I would even speculate that ultimately, the Japanese culture of kawaii (the very cute) is the source of this.

Anyway, would would have guessed that the new Xbox 360 would have a concave design that appears to fit neatly together with the convex design of the Playstation 3? It’s like Yin to Yang! Is this some cosmic sign of things to come? Who knows? In any case, I think they are both really sweet designs. So while I won’t be buying on day 1, I will be looking, and salivating! 🙂

Xbox 360: Yin?

PS3: Yang?

I’m not at all sure where the Nintendo Revolution fits into this scheme. It looks like the Game Cube successor is just a squashed update of itself. At least Nintendo is getting onboard now with movie and online capabilities. Pretty or not, I expect the Revolution to be a real contender this round. In particular, I’m looking forward to what Nintendo does in the online arena with their plans for free global (or at least ubiquitous) Wi-Fi connectivity to the DS.

Revolution: WTF?

This year’s E3 is rolling! Let the wet dreams begin! If there is any doubt, I think this year is the year of the hardware designer. The success that Apple has had with the iPod and latest Macs with respect to design I think has had a profound influence on the consumer electronics industry. I would even speculate that ultimately, the Japanese culture of kawaii (the very cute) is the source of this.

Anyway, would would have guessed that the new Xbox 360 would have a concave design that appears to fit neatly together with the convex design of the Playstation 3? It’s like Yin to Yang! Is this some cosmic sign of things to come? Who knows? In any case, I think they are both really sweet designs. So while I won’t be buying on day 1, I will be looking, and salivating! 🙂

Xbox 360: Yin?
PS3: Yang?

I’m not at all sure where the Nintendo Revolution fits into this scheme. It looks like the Game Cube successor is just a squashed update of itself. At least Nintendo is getting onboard now with movie and online capabilities. Pretty or not, I expect the Revolution to be a real contender this round. In particular, I’m looking forward to what Nintendo does in the online arena with their plans for free global (or at least ubiquitous) Wi-Fi connectivity to the DS.

Revolution: WTF?