I find it hard to believe that in this era of overseas outsourcing of IT jobs, companies like IBM now have the nerve to complain that there aren’t enough smart students majoring in computer science in college and grad school in the U.S.. This Herald Sun article describes just that, without even mentioning the reason this is happening! That many of the smartest students already know that career prospects in IT are pretty bad in the U.S.. How can they compete with the far cheaper labor pool in India or China? And many companies won’t think twice about shipping IT jobs overseas showing little loyalty to their employees or their country. IBM should not expect smart people to behave foolishly for their benefit.
They Must Be Kidding Right?
I find it hard to believe that in this era of overseas outsourcing of IT jobs, companies like IBM now have the nerve to complain that there aren’t enough smart students majoring in computer science in college and grad school in the U.S.. This Herald Sun article describes just that, without even mentioning the reason this is happening! That many of the smartest students already know that career prospects in IT are pretty bad in the U.S.. How can they compete with the far cheaper labor pool in India or China? And many companies won’t think twice about shipping IT jobs overseas showing little loyalty to their employees or their country. IBM should not expect smart people to behave foolishly for their benefit.