When I heard that Michael Jackson was found not guilty on all charges, I was genuinely surprised. Given that Jackson has got to be one of the most despised public persona’s in the U.S. these days, I was sure the jury would find it easy to convict him based on distaste. But I guess the system has proven that it works, as long as you are rich that is! Even though the evidence was circumstancial and testimony contradictory, I don’t believe that the average Joe would have escaped conviction without a team of expensive high powered lawyers. And maybe Michael Jackson’s fame helped him as well.
So Jackson is free to await the inevitable civil trial… If I were him, I would spend a bit of time doing some low impact touring outside of the U.S. and a little relaxing. He has a lot of issues to work out (as does his accuser) and now would be as good a time as any. But lay off the "Jesus Juice" a bit and don’t start hangin out with O.J.!