I was just watching Battlestar Galactica on NBC or all things (an interesting surprise) when one of the creepiest Burger King ads I’ve ever seen came on. In the ad, a guy is driving his alone car late at night when he looks up in the mirror and seems that creepy plastic king’s face in the back seat! The creepy plastic king then gives him a whopper and all is cool…Yeah riiiiiight! Man, I absolutely detest those BK ads! The plastic king totally creeps me out, and I think the ads featuring the mean-spirited office workers are truly vile and evil. I don’t know who is doing Burger King’s ads these days, but they need to be fired because the ads are turning me off of their product. I’m just one guy, but I would guess that the ads are turning off others as well.
BK Ads Really Suck
I was just watching Battlestar Galactica on NBC or all things (an interesting surprise) when one of the creepiest Burger King ads I’ve ever seen came on. In the ad, a guy is driving his alone car late at night when he looks up in the mirror and seems that creepy plastic king’s face in the back seat! The creepy plastic king then gives him a whopper and all is cool…Yeah riiiiiight! Man, I absolutely detest those BK ads! The plastic king totally creeps me out, and I think the ads featuring the mean-spirited office workers are truly vile and evil. I don’t know who is doing Burger King’s ads these days, but they need to be fired because the ads are turning me off of their product. I’m just one guy, but I would guess that the ads are turning off others as well.