Ugh, the days before a big trip are always fraught with anxiety and excitement! In fours days I hit the road for Otakon and there are so many things I still need to prepare. In particular, I really need to do something about my side mirror. It’s not serious just irritating and having it taped up is just soooo tacky. I’ve done the 900 mile drive to Baltimore before on other business, so that part doesn’t bother me too much.
The thing to really gets me is the fact that this is my first solo convention in a long time. So I’m a little nervous about meeting new people all by myself. On the other hand, traveling solo means I can do whatever I want, which is part of the whole point of going at this time! I’m usually not so selfish, but right now I just want to have as much fun as possible. With 20K other otaku around, having fun may not be so hard afterall. Oh, anyone looking for me (yeah riiiiight), my con handle is Shonen Jidai. I didn’t have time to make a costume, but I do hope to get a lot of cosplay pictures. I love those cosplayers!