
Chinese White Girls or White Chinese Girls?

Walking the streets of downtown Chicago, one sight that has become more and more common is that of little Asian girls with white families. In most cases, it was safe to assume that they were a part of the wave of Korean and Chinese adoptions by American families that have taken off over the last few years. It takes a really big heart to adopt any child, and bigger I would say to adopt outside of your ethnic group. But I always wondered how these little girls would face the identity issues of growing up white, but being obviously Asian. Today’s New York Times has an article, Adopted in China, that addresses some of these questions that’s a really interesting read. I printed it out and passed it along to my oldest daughter, who being black and Chinese must confront some of the same issues.

One thing I am convinced of is that on the whole, these adoptions are a good thing. For the girls this is easy to see, but also for the parents and for the U.S.. As the parents of girls who are obviously not white, living in areas where the level of diversity is low and attitudes may be, let’s say, less enlightened, they have to face the problems of race in America head on. Being a parent is one of life’s most transforming experiences and there is no one you will fight for harder than your own kids. For these families in the suburbs, race is no longer something they left behind in the city, it’s the real thing. And I have no doubt that these families are going to be a force to reckon with in the fight for justice and equality.

One reply on “Chinese White Girls or White Chinese Girls?”

I think it will be a tough one for the kids but can only be good for tolerance in the society

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