
Of Spiked Heels And Cell Phones

Just another morning full of thoughts as I approached work today, suddenly brightened up by the sight of an attractive black woman with nice legs and really high spikes. As I got closer, I also noticed that she was very short and began to wonder if shorter women tended to wear higher spiked heels. Since I don’t generally like to get too close to people, I adjusted my course to give her plenty of room. A good thing too, because she started wobbling back and forth right into my path. My first guess was that she was either drunk or high, then I noticed the cell phone seemingly glued to the right side of her head. She was so engaged in conversation that I’m not really sure she even saw me there as we nearly collided, but it did give me a chance to see that she had a pretty face as well! 🙂

So I guess today’s lesson is, high spikes and cell phones don’t mix!