Monday Monday and it looks like Slashdot has a shiny new look to it! Not only that, the new CSS based layout seems to load faster than the last one. This isn’t a radical redesign, but I like it. It makes me want to get all creative today. Looks aren’t everything, but with the tools available today, there just aren’t any excuses for crappy looking stuff. So I always work hard to make sure that my projects not only work, but look good too. It’s more fun that way anyway! 😀
One reply on “Shiny New Slashdot!”
We’re running a poll for Slashdot’s new CSS at Seen on Slash. So far the majority seem to like it, but not love it. There are a few quirks, but it seems to load a little faster for me, too. That’s interesting because Taco said he wouldn’t change the HTML if he could help it.