Anime, Manga, Etc

Chicago Millenium Park Cosplay

While one would hardly say that cosplay in Japan is mainstream, one could say that seeing cosplayers in various public venues is not unusual. In Chicago, seeing cosplayers in public is definitely unusual, even more so when the temperatures approach 100 degrees F as they did this past Sunday. Nevertheless, a hardy group of fun-loving cosplayers from the Chicagoland Cosplay Club, and friends, gathered in Chicago’s Millenium Park last Sunday.

When I first heard of this on the Anime Central Forums, I was very curious not only about the cosplayers, but what the general public reaction was likely to be. So I charged my camera, filled my water bottle, and headed to the park to check it out. When I caught up with them, they were gathered at the large “bean” sculpture and from that point made their way over to the fountains where some wet and wild cosplay ensued. I certainly had not expected this, but the people on the streets and the police were friendly and basically just took it in stride. Does this mean Chicago is ready for more cosplay? I don’t know, but I certainly wouldn’t mind!

Here are some pictures I took. Enjoy!