Some things just take a long time to recognize, carrying a man purse is just one of them. Few men go out looking to buy a man purse. Like me, they probably had a problem they were trying to solve. I had been carrying a laptop bag, but after a year discovered that the steel button on the inside of the bag had been wearing holes in my jeans. Not only that, it was too big for what I wanted to carry most of the time. I wanted something that was slim and sexy, just big enough for a few file folders and my usual support electronics. I ended up buying a Tumi bag at Marshall Fields for about $150. I’ve had the bag for almost two years and I love it! I don’t like spending a lot of money, but I will pay for quality, and this is a good bag. All was well in the world.
Now flashbask to spring 2006. I’m waiting in line to pick up my Anime Central passes in the Thursday night pre-reg pickup line. This is usually a long wait, so I’ve brought my bag and supporting goodies, my iPod, manga, and I’m reading Dream of the Red Chamber. After a while, two women in line behind me ask me about the book. And during our conversation, they notice my bag and refer to it as a man purse! Was I shocked? Not really, I was rather proud that the bag had drawn some attention, since it’s a really nice bag.
Back in the present, the issue 43 of Giant Robot has just come in the mail. There’s an article about Asian American Film Fests that includes humorous caricatures of the different types of people who attend these events. One of these features a film-maker wannabe who has a man purse. Then it all comes together and a quick Google search turns up the damning final evidence that I have indeed been pursed! Here are the links for your enjoyment.
As for me, I have no plans to stop carrying my bag. It’s useful and looks good, so if man purse it is, then so be it say I.