Games and Sports

Cooking Mama: Iron Chef DS?

Well it’s not exactly Iron Chef on the DS yet, but it is definitely one more reason for me to get a DS of my own (my daughter bought one for herself recently) and another reason that I think Nintendo may just clean up with the Wii versus the PS3 and Xbox 360. Cooking Mama is a cooking game for the DS that as you might expect involves following recipes, etc. Here’s a review with more details. It sounds like another game with quirky, innovative, and fun gameplay elements that Nintendo has enabled with its outside the box thinking on game consoles. I think Microsoft might emulate this kind of thinking and risk taking eventually, but I’m not sure that Sony gets it just yet. But if Nintendo’s Wii does come out and trounce the PS3, I think Sony will get the religon of risk taking innovation real quick.

Cooking Mama DS