Games and Sports

NASCAR vs Final Fantasy XII

Over the last 3 weekends, I’ve totally missed the NASCAR Nextel Cup races for a variety of reasons. So today began with the intention of first, having some fun (since last Sunday was definitely not fun), and secondly catching the race. Then Final Fantasy XII entered the mix and so far, NASCAR has had to share screen time a bit. FFXII is absolutely gorgeous, especially if you are into bishonen! This game is the closest thing to come to playing a movie epic that I’ve seen. The cinematic scenes are, well, very cinematic and beautiful. And the in game graphics must be pushing the venerable PS2 to its limits. My only complaints so far are the long load times spent looking at a blank screen, albeit with some great music, and some controller glitchiness, which may just be a dying controller. The game is pretty easy to just pick up and play with save crystals about 45 minutes of play apart so far, for me at least, which with a house full of kids is important.

Turns out that the race started with a rain delay, so I’ve only missed 15 laps, sweet! So off to the races now, but I’ll be back to FFXII soon enough, especially if there’s any more rain.