Games and Sports

Playstation 3 Launches In Japan

Like a thief in the night, the PS3 has launched in Japan! Over the last few days, I’ve been so distracted by family matters (which culminated in the loss of my office/playroom to my eldest daughter, waaah) that the PS3 had completely fallen off of my radar screen. Now that I have a little time, I’ll be very interested in finding whatever news there is of the quality of the games and the console hardware. Right now the thing I find hardest to believe is a PS3 Japanese launch with a paltry 100K units. That’s like a NASCAR race that begins under the green and yellow flags, usually to beat the rain. The lap counter has started, but it’s not very exciting. Of course don’t say that to rabid fanboys like these, plenty of people are out hoping and praying that they will be lucky enough to score a PS3.