Tomorrow is the day that many Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus, which we believe marks the entry of God into the world to effect reconciliation with humankind. But there are many, if not most, in the world who celebrate Christmas for largely secular reasons, it’s just plain fun!
The trappings of Christmas, the lights, trees, ornaments, and music, are a pleasure to behold. And the giving and getting of gifts is a lot of fun. I can think of no other holiday, celebrated anywhere on earth or in as many places that does the same. There are many Christians who lament the so called secular Christmas. But I think we should all rejoice instead because these Christmas celebrations around the world are a time when more people that any other time of the year stop a moment and really think about the other guy. Christians and non-Christians alike make an extra effort to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. And even though the holidays can also be a time of stress for many, on the whole I think the season raises the collective spirit of humankind.