There’s so much talk about how the US is losing its edge and how we need to improve our schools. Yet we seem to do everything we can to make sure that good teachers are discouraged and talented people are forever kept away from even considering teaching as a profession. The story that’s got me angry today is a CNN report of an Indiana school teacher who is being transferred for allowing the school paper to publish an editorial advocating tolerance of gays. Rather than being fired, she is being transferred to another school where she will not be allowed to teach journalism. What a great lesson we have there! Advocate tolerance for gays, or any unpopular group for that matter, and either lose your job or be barred from teaching something you love. Yeah, that’s the way to make our schools and America great. In the end, I cannot see how God is going to bless such a close hearted land as the US has become. That we get the good things that we do is nothing less than either evidence of a graceful god, or that this universe is mad and meaningless. Our bad schools are no one’s fault but our own. We’re just getting the schools we deserve.