
Desegregation Exhaustion

Honestly I really don’t care anymore about the US Supreme Court’s rejection of school assignment plans that use race as a factor. What I’ve seen in my life time is that if people don’t want to be with someone because of their race, then they’ll use whatever means they can to avoid it. The schools have already resegregated and the court decision can only accelerate and validate this process. In the US we pay a lot of lip service to valuing ethnic diversity, but when you get right down to it, people’s actions speak otherwise. And I for one am tired of trying to fight against that tide. If white, brown, or yellow people don’t want to be with me or my kids because we’re black, then screw them! There’s no point in trying to force the issue through the law. All we can fight for now is fairness in the assignment of resources. But if history is a guide, separate is never equal.