
OMG! Vista SP1 1GB Download!

I just read that Windows Vista Service Pack 1 will be out Q1 2008 and weighs in at a hefty 1GB! OMFG, how in the world has it come to this? How do you grow an OS to such size? There’s no good reason that this should be the case and IMHO, Microsoft needs a serious palace revolution to get things back on track. In the past, faster computers have been able to outrun OS bloat so that now, the initially piggy Windows XP is a pretty good performer on today’s hardware. But I wonder if those days are coming to an end. Chips may get faster, but PCs have a lot more competition for their functionality now than in the past which could slow down PC sales to consumers. And, as usual, businesses are slow to adopt new OSs and probably won’t be picking up Vista until they buy new hardware, Vista’s specs have pretty much assured this. A 1GB service pack definitely is not going to help matters.