I hit the road for Ohayocon with a lot of hope, in the dark of night, 2:30am to be exact, and in the end, I was not disappointed. Ohayocon was a lot of fun for me, the drive through the night, hungering for dawn, was well worth it. Though it was not without a few hiccups, but I’ve come to believe that you can never fully appreciate the flavor of fun without some bitter spices of disappointment, just a dash of course!
I had no problems getting to the hotel and convention center, and for me at least, the staff of the Hyatt Regency Columbus were excellent. So I got in and went through the pre-reg line without any trouble, the only real problem would turn out to be the lack of printed schedules initially and then changes and additions (ie karaoke) that I wasn’t ready for.. Under the circumstances though, the Ohayocon staff handled it very well, so I don’t really have a complaint there either.
One of my personal cosplay rules is that if I pack a costume, it MUST BE WORN! I packed four costumes, Kagome, Kaname, Yuujirou, and Roger Smith. I love doing the crossplays, but it always takes me soooo long to get out of the room the first time. Part of it is just not knowing what to expect, and the sneaking suspicion that it’s horribly perverted. But perverted or not, it’s just too much fun to pass up on once you’ve experienced it. So I finally got Kagome out the door and got a mix of nice legs compliments (from the ladies) and some WTF (guys). LOL! I love being part of the show! ^_^
The Greg Ayres Roast on Friday night was incredible! These people must be really, really, really good friends to be able to say things like that about each other! I almost busted a gut laughing! The guests of Ohayocon really made the con for me. They were really awesome and one of the best reasons to go to a con at all. I mean, I can buy stuff on the internet and watch DVDs at home anytime. But only at a con can I enjoy these incredibly creative people and their fans. I had hoped to dance a lot longer at the Friday night dance, but alas, six hours of driving was too much, and my feet gave out! I was pissed, but you can’t argue with foot cramps…grumble…grumble…
Can’t argue with hand cramps either, so I’ll pick this up a little later. Here is the last picture I took before driving back home on Sunday, one of the cutest Yachirus ever!