
Money, Expectations, and Sex

The so called ‘D.C. Madam’ was found guilty on all counts of running a prostitution ring. Perhaps this comes as no surprise, but the thing that really rankled me was part of the prosecutor’s closing remarks.

“When a man agrees to pay $250 for 90 minutes with a woman, what do most men expect in that time?” prosecutor Daniel Butler asked during closing arguments Monday. “In that context, it’s pretty clear. Most men want sex.”

Now I know there are plenty of men out there who can easily spend that much money on a woman for a regular date. A nice restaurant, dancing, movie or show can add up quickly. But despite that, the woman is not obligated to have sex with him. I know that a lot of women certainly feel pressure to do so, and plenty of men feel that they are damned well entitled. So it really bothers me that the prosecutor has basically taken this and declared it as a universal fact in supporting his case. So careful ladies, if a guy spends a lot of money on your date, you just became a ho.

2 replies on “Money, Expectations, and Sex”

What about the men who pay for these services? There seems to be a consistent demand for prostitutes. Why go after the sex trade workers? why not go after those who pay for it? Seems a huge double standard to me.

There really is some truth to the saying” It’s a man world.” We are kidding ourselves when we say different.

Wake up women!!!!!

Women think they are equal to men? When a man sells sex they are given a pat on the back. “Good boy, give er hell.” When a woman sells sex she is a ho, a slut, spoiled goods, bad meat, flawed for life, and so on and so forth.

Double standard people…blatent and in your face double standard

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