General politics

$700 Billion Bailout: What’s the Rush?

There aren’t really many things that make me rage, but blatant stupidity is definitely one of them, and injustice is another. Against the backdrop of thousands of people losing their homes and being tossed out on the street with little care or notice from the government, we’re preparing to bailout the fatcats who orchestrated this mess to the tune of $700 billion USD or more! *RAGE*

What’s the big rush? This crisis was primarily precipitated by unbridled greed and overly abstracted financial “products” that effectively hid the true risk of the underlying investment. In the end, Wall Street became little more than a casino. Now, why all the rush to turn over hundreds of billions of dollars to the same morons who got us into this mess? I would rather see a well thought out plan that was transparent and made sense come out in 3 to 6 months, than something pushed through quickly that can only further enable the gambling addicts on Wall Street.

The world is not likely to end in 3 months or even 6, but with the US presidential election little over a month away, I guess the politicians are afraid the voters will punish them if they don’t rush something through. Sadly, I scarcely believe the electorate is that smart, otherwise why on Earth would anyone even consider electing McCain and Palin a viable option? Sadder still, I don’t think anyone responsible is going to be punished for the financial meltdown that has taken place. I suppose punishing blind, reckless greed would be just too un-American… *RAGE*