General politics

Bailout Bill Fails: Now Maybe They’re Listening!

Well how about that? The bailout bill failed in the House today. Now maybe they’re actually listening to the taxpayers who don’t want to be stuck writing a huge welfare check for the well heeled morons who got us into this mess. With little oversight, there is no guarantee that all the jobs that this bailout supposedly would save, would be saved at all. As soon as they get that money, it’ll be business as usual with those of us lower on the food chain getting the sack while the CEO’s and CFO’s figure out new ways to get around the lame rules this bailout supposedly imposes. And still, nothing in the bill to help the perhaps millions of Americans in serious mortgage trouble.

If the system needs to be fixed, then really fix it! We don’t need or want Wall Street Welfare. Take as long as it takes to do the job right so that this doesn’t have to happen again. I sincerely wish that the Congress could find its way to putting the people first for a change instead of their rich pals.