As a kid, it was my dream to live in a future of computers, spaceships, and robots. That was long ago, and the future came, and well, in some ways is even better than I might have imagined. But sometimes it gets a little lonely when your friends don’t seem to have kept up.
I’ve always been a tech enthusiast, happy to live on the bleeding edge of technology long before it becomes safe for the masses. I’ve slowed down just a tiny bit, preferring to have others beta test before I waste my dwindling remainder of years. But I’ve been careful not to fall into the trap of becoming frozen at whatever the prevailing tech was when you reached adulthood. I push myself to learn and use the latest while my age peers have mostly become frozen in the age of telephones and simple cable television.
As a result, I rarely find my childhood friends on social networking sites like Facebook. Nor will typing their names in Google yield useful results. I can almost hear a howling wind as I stand on this barren age plane of the internet.
It’s not all bad though. I’ve made a lot of new, usually much younger, friends over the years as a result of my continuously evolving and interests. Sometimes I feel bad having to hide my age, but sadly, it would only be a stumbling block, so I usually won’t mention it, preferring to merely be “over 30”. LOL, in real life people are usually shocked to learn how old I really am! Anyhow, I’m still having fun despite the temporal disconnect, so to speak. Still, it would be cool to have more people my age interested in the same things without it seeming creepy. I think I’m going to start actively seeking them out!