Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

ACen 2009 Aftermath

Another Anime Central has come and gone. It’s been over a week since the con and while I had a pretty good time, I am still left a little unsastified. I think I feel that way mainly because I missed a couple of the events that I had most looked forward to, the Soap Bubble dance, and Cosplay Karaoke. I missed them both for the same reason, there were just too many people at the con! I also had some personal drama to contend with…*sigh*

I think the con was run better than last year, big kudos to all of the volunteer staffers! But Anime Central, at over 16K attendees has probably outgrown its current digs. It either needs to move to a bigger convention center, *cough*McCormick*cough*Chicago*cough*, or institute an attendance cap of maybe about 10K.

On the plus side, my Mikuru and Shuichi cosplays were successful. Indeed the Mikuru was successful enough to have drunk guys hitting on me Saturday night. That was scary and weird all at the same time. I think I’ve gained a new appreciation for what women have to put up with all of the time.

And I had a good time talking and hanging out with some old and new con friends. The masquerade and its MCs were great. No overload on yaoi jokes/skits this year, yay! Saw lots of awesome AMVs.  Lots of good cosplay was to be had everywhere, but it was so crowded that I didn’t get as many pics as last year. So I end with the best Zero I’ve seen and a link to my ACen 2009 Pics.
