Anime, Manga, Etc cosplay

Otakon 2009 Out-takes

It’s over a week after Otakon but suddenly I’m remembers some weird stuff that I want to record for posterity…I guess. So here are what I call Otakon Out-takes.

The pre-reg line was ridiculous, but I’m used to waiting in lines so toughing that out is pretty easy. But what I could not escape was the drama unfolding between the young couple right in front of me. It started out with the usual kissy face every five minutes but somewhere along the way it turned ugly. Apparently something to do with the rollon bag the guy was pulling. Next came tears and sobs from the girl as she says she was trying to make things easier for him. Him trying to offer a consolation hug and explain how he wasn’t being a jerk. Pro-tip young guys: At this point it doesn’t matter if you are wrong or right, apologize and move on! I so wanted to tell him that, but I was doing my best to not notice what was going on. I have no idea how it all turned out.

The next bit of weirdness happened on Friday night while I was returning to my hotel room for a break and to freshen up before the dance. While waiting at the elevator, a young woman tells me that I make a terrible Mikuru. This may or may not be true, but I’ve heard more good about my Mikuru than bad, so whatever… I ignored this and continued my wait when from behind she lifts my skirt to see my panties! WTF! I turn and calmly tell her that that’s rather a rude thing to do. She tells me that I should be wearing striped panties and further informs me that she will be wearing striped panties the next day if I care to check. At this point it seemed pretty clear that she was probably drunk as she disappeared into another elevator with her friends.

Saturday was the big debut for the Princess Sakura cosplay I’d been working on feverishly to finish the last two weeks before the con. I was worried about walking in boots with 5 inch heels and other aspects of the costume. I was happy to make it to Panel 4 in time for the Crispin Freeman Q and A without falling over and had a seat on a nearby bench. Here on the bench I proceeded to have a pretty normal conversation with someone’s dad who was waiting for his son to come out of another panel. It must have looked a little strange to passersby since once I started speaking it was pretty obvious that I was not female. In any case, he was cool with it. However the guy I was soon standing in line behind seemed completely weirded out. He almost jumped 6 inches when I got in line! I successfully suppressed the urge to giggle!^^

So that’s it I think. Another, the 5th, interesting Otakon adventure is in the books. So now I’ll hunt around for pics of my cosplays and check out video of events I couldn’t go to, then it’ll be time to get ready for Youmacon!