
Twitter Updates for 2010-11-10

  • Woo hoo! Had a pretty good interview today, but over 3 hours of meetings is really tiring! #
  • Sad to hear that FFXIV is being poorly received. But honestly, the PC requirements are so high, who can be surprised? #
  • FFXIV on PS3 should be better, but the PC users are really suffering right now. It's like paying to play a beta… #
  • @ButerflySamurai Not that there's anything wrong with that! LOL #seinfeld in reply to ButerflySamurai #
  • Thanks to Conan being back on, I'm watching late night talk shows again. First time in many years! Watchin George Lopez now. Adam West ftw! #
  • Woo hoo! My ebook Anime Aftershocks is now in the B&N store! #
  • Now that I have a book to list, I've updated my Learncrest site. Let the marketing begin! *evil laughter* #ebook #
  • I already have an idea for my second ebook which will be a sci-fi short story in graphic novel format. #

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