- LOL, it's Christmas Eve and I'm thinking about writing code! Wireframed an iPhone game idea this morning! Merry Christmas everyone! ^_^ #
- Just got back from a stocking stuffer run with my wife. Sugarless gummy bears, Jolly Ranchers, and clementines for the win! HO HO HO #
- Does it bother anyone that Santa and Satan use the same letters? LOL, just sayin… #MerryChristmasEve #
- Sorry 'bout that last joke Santa! Oh well, I can use the coal to keep me warm! #MerryChristmasEve #
- @SelecaoV LOL, I love gummy bears but don't need the calories, so I get the sugar free ones. All the yummy minus the tummy! XD in reply to SelecaoV #
- Merry Christmas Everyone! (^_^) #
- Santa just finished setting up a Kinect! #
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