- Courting Failure: Xoom Tablet May Be Overpriced http://j.mp/eCCMJi #tablet #ipad #ereader #
- Start the week off with some new books for your Kindle or Nook. http://j.mp/fote9R #scifi #anime #ebook #
- I'm planning to release iPad versions of my ebooks soon as that platform continues to gain in popularity. http://j.mp/fote9R #
- Publishing an #ebook on the iPad requires an ISBN number so I just bought a block of 10 on http://www.MyIdentifiers.com. Gotta pay to play! #
- Four Days at Dragon*Con PBS Documentary is coming to PBS stations nationwide! http://j.mp/fxUSzm #dragoncon #scifi #anime #cosplay #comics #
- Four Days at Dragon*Con trailer: http://youtu.be/BQcW65nzQUY #dragoncon #scifi #anime #cosplay #comics #
- Hey Chicago peeps! Dibs is stupid! Take your mother f*ckin lawn chairs in the house! That is all… (sorry about the language) #
- Borders Cuts Kobo To $99.99 Permanently – http://www.learncrest.com/2011/02/borders-cuts-kobo-to-99-99-permanently/ #ereader #ebook #
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