- If #AX11 becomes LineCon, Anime Aftershocks has got you covered! ^^ http://j.mp/dESrQj http://j.mp/a6Bkcx http://j.mp/fw2blb #cosplay #ebook #
- Who am I kidding? Most cons become LineCon these days! #AX Good reading is a con survival essential. http://j.mp/dESrQj #ebook #
- Karaoke is one my favorite things to do at a con, especially in #cosplay (^_^) #AX11 http://j.mp/dESrQj #ebook #
- Add karaoke to #cosplay and the transformation is complete. Oh My! ~_^ #AX11 http://j.mp/emXPoS #
- Saw some gloriously ominous clouds over Chicago on my drive home today. It was beautiful! And scary. #
- Thanks to everyone who's been buying my books, including readers in Germany and the UK! (^_^) #ebook http://j.mp/fote9R #
- Now to grab a beer and watch some more Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica! Hope this gets licensed soon! #anime #
- @bansheekat Cool! Have great 4th! in reply to bansheekat #
- Madoka Magica has given me an idea for a new AMV with a lot less blood than my last one! #anime #
- Last AMV had a lot more blood in it than I realized at first. Wouldn't change anything tho, it fits. http://youtu.be/Z35VcT3AZgw #anime #
- RT @AnimeNewsNet: News: Aniplex USA Adds Madoka Magica, Blue Exorcist on Home Video http://j.mp/lRJJp4 #anime Woo hoo!!! (^__^) #
- Just finished watching Madoka Magica, what a ride! Now I see why Homura is so popular. She is the ultimate tsundere! #anime #
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