- RT @gamespot: Just like a regular Pokemon battle, but funnier ๐ http://t.co/vWYnAKPa AWESOME!! #
- Crossplay รขโฌโ Word of the Week http://t.co/tOk4AlGk via @jessica_who – Is crossplay fun? Oh yeah! XD #cosplay #
- #Ohayocon is all grow'd up! Big con = #linecon Let Anime Aftershocks be your LineCon companion! http://t.co/aAJxpczJ #ebook #
- Watched ep 6 of Baka and Test. I think Hideyoshi is the 3rd sex! LOL XD #anime #joso #
- Woo hoo! Just got an idea for the cover of my next sci-fi #ebook thanks Hideyoshi! ^_^ #
- Skipping Ohayocon this year for my daughter's birthday party. She's at a math competition this morning. So AWESOME! ^_^ #nerdhaus #
- My family is what you get when nerds and geeks combine. World domination is inevitable. XD #nerdhaus #
- Because Hideyoshi is Hideyoshi: Gender and Japanese in Baka to Test to Shokanjuu http://t.co/xDASyHx3 via @wordpressdotcom #anime #
- @ButerflySamurai personally, I like it when women take the initiative. in reply to ButerflySamurai #
- Usually I'm at Ohayocon doing karaoke this time of year. Tonight my house is full of young girls singing. LOL #birthdaysleepover #
- My mom never gave up and she could always make something out of nothing. #
- #ThingsThatWeGottaSTOP Living in narrowly defined gender roles. Let the girls be boys and the boys be girls if they want to! #
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