- Sat is the biggest cosplay day of any con. Some tips for your 1st crossplay! http://t.co/tWAA7SUN #Animazement #Fanime #AnimeNorth #
- I like to save my best/newest cosplays for Saturday of the con when the most people can see them! :3 #
- Sat is a big Line Con day too! Here's something for the parents. http://t.co/ljmociLW #Fanime #AnimeNorth #Animazement #ebook #
- @RuPaulsDragRace Haven't used wig tape, but I don't spare the bobby pins for a full day of crossplay! ^_^ #cosplay in reply to RuPaulsDragRace #
- Anime Aftershocks is another good read if you trapped at Line Con! ~_^ http://t.co/aAJsRCqz #Fanime #Animazement #AnimeNorth #
- @RuPaulsDragRace BTW Crossplay is drag too, but you dress as anime characters. It too requires Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve & Talent! #
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