- Ha ha! I just found my daughter's Deviant Art and her MLP fan fiction! XD I'm keeping it on the QT tho! #proudparent #
- Why is it that every time I see a story about Facebook investors, I hear Nelson's laugh? Hah haa! #simpsons #
- It's kind of cool how women will compliment each other on clothes and stuff. Guys never do this. #
- Check out The Other Side to the Rainbow Cover by ~tomColt15 on @deviantART http://t.co/xChLt7zH #mlp #fanfiction #
- My girl writes a lot! Yeah! ^_^ http://t.co/1Dopo0cR #mlp #fanfiction #ponies #
- Gave Final Fantasy XIV one last try. Son, I am disappoint… Game is not ready for prime time. Stay away from this game! #ffxiv #fail #
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