
15 Years Of Hell For Terri Schiavo

The irony of the Terri Schiavo right to die (or right to live depending on your take) case is almost too much to take. It’s ironic that the condition that resulted in her vegetative state was an eating disorder and now for 15 long years what’s left of her has had to endure being fed via a plastic tube down her throat. Now with the, hopefully, final removal of the tube, the death watch has begun or is it perhaps about to end? If indeed our immortal souls are somehow tied to this plane of existence until the physical body ceases to function, then I can only imagine the 15 years of hell Terri has had to endure. I hope that God and the prayers of her friends and family have been of some comfort to that soul, but there’s no way to know. The final irony is that because many of us don’t really know what life is and fear death so much, Terri’s body must slowly starve to death.

There’s no room in our hearts for a merciful end that even the most vile murderers are entitled to. Starvation is a cruel and painful way to die. We put people in jail for starving animals, why can’t we give Terri a dignified send off to the next world? In the same situation, I think I would want my body put down in a gentle and dignified manner rather than be at the center of self serving politicians and misguided do-gooders both causing pain to the ones I love. One could argue that such euthanasia usurps God’s role as master of our lives, and is driven by the selfish urge to escape the physical pain of death. But I would argue that we must also consider the pain of those around us, in which case a dignified death becomes a sacrifice for the sake of those we love. Which is better?

The irony of the Terri Schiavo right to die (or right to live depending on your take) case is almost too much to take. It’s ironic that the condition that resulted in her vegetative state was an eating disorder and now for 15 long years what’s left of her has had to endure being fed via a plastic tube down her throat. Now with the, hopefully, final removal of the tube, the death watch has begun or is it perhaps about to end? If indeed our immortal souls are somehow tied to this plane of existence until the physical body ceases to function, then I can only imagine the 15 years of hell Terri has had to endure. I hope that God and the prayers of her friends and family have been of some comfort to that soul, but there’s no way to know. The final irony is that because many of us don’t really know what life is and fear death so much, Terri’s body must slowly starve to death.

There’s no room in our hearts for a merciful end that even the most vile murderers are entitled to. Starvation is a cruel and painful way to die. We put people in jail for starving animals, why can’t we give Terri a dignified send off to the next world? In the same situation, I think I would want my body put down in a gentle and dignified manner rather than be at the center of self serving politicians and misguided do-gooders both causing pain to the ones I love. One could argue that such euthanasia usurps God’s role as master of our lives, and is driven by the selfish urge to escape the physical pain of death. But I would argue that we must also consider the pain of those around us, in which case a dignified death becomes a sacrifice for the sake of those we love. Which is better?

5 replies on “15 Years Of Hell For Terri Schiavo”

I haven’t quite figured out where I stand on this issue, but when I first read the name Terri Schiavo, i pronouced it as my Italian heritage would dictate: ski-av-oh. That word, in Italian means "slave" or "one in the power of others". Of course, the pronuciation is different, as I have come to hear it, but there is an irony to her last name. Others have commented on her maiden name, and its "legacy", so I thought I would mention the irony of the schiavo. For what it’s worth, there seems to be an inconsistency in American politics. How much would I have loved to have the president step in and save my brother, who died 2 years ago. Something doesn’t seem right in all of this, and it will certainly be interesting to see what becomes of the whole situation. I hope, in all things, Terri finds peace in some form or another.

I have only one question for all those people who are saying that terri is being mudered?would any of you want to be hooked to a feeding tube which is hooked up to a MACHINE. This is a country that seems to be in denial of death.Isn’t it interesting that the very people who want to denie another persons right to live or die are afraid of death and if in a vegestative state themselves. No one wants to die but death will happen weather one wants it to or not and in the case of Terri Schiavo the women has been dead for 15 years yet many are in denial of that despite what doctors have said about her state of health.

I can’t agree with you more, and I’m glad I found your blog. It’s really refreshing to see that someone else out there sees this view while everyone else is screaming at each other about a feeding tube. That is definitely not a dignified way to let her go.

It’s frustrating, but hopefully there won’t be a re-insertion so she has to stay like that for another 15 years.

I feel bad for members of the Schaivo and Schindler families but i can no longer support their efforts to further prolong Terri’s life. That woman has been on life support for 13+ years at this point. Her case has become the most hotly contested and highly lititgated case of the 21st century. Now that her feeding tube has been taken out and all legal avenues have been tried, her families should spend their Terris last moments with her and stop bickering about her future. After years of suffering, she deserves peace and i believe that is her husbands motivation and not money or anything of the sort.
I would also like to criticize CNN, Foxnews, MSNBC, the New York Times, and other major news agencies who have dovoted way too much time to this issue. I understand that the right to die is a contorversial issue but the intense media coverage has not made decisions of the courts and the family members any easier. The media should be spending their time covering more important issues.

As I read more about the Terri Schiavo case, I am at rage at our judicial system and becoame doubtful about the case.
I understand the right to die. But in Terri Schiavo case, its that what she really want? The papers said that her husband said a long time ago Terri Schiavo toold him she doesnt want to live in a vegetative state and rather die. However, how do I know he is not lying? Before her tragedy, did Terri Schiavo made a tape recording of the request? There are no hardcore proofs to validate the husbands claims.
It may not be important for some of you all but to her parents and siblings, it worth fighting for the one you love.
If you dont have substantial proofs that your son or daughter wants to die,
would you kill them?
What appalled me most was the IDIOT judge Creer was convinced even without substantial evidents of Terri’s request, and sided with the husbands claim. Instead of playing judge,he played favorism.

Besides that, where is his faithfulness and sincerity? Instead of staying and waiting for Terri, he went off to have a wife and childrens without even getting a divorce. Its understandable,
since shes in this condition but atleast do it right and return her to her family. Its seems like its a personal issue. This just shows how selfish Micheal schiavo is; separating Terri and her family;even when shes about to die! If that was me, I’m going to beat the crap out of my son-in-law!

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