
Twitter Updates for 2011-01-10

  • so far the new season of robot chicken is outdoing itself for grossness! ewww ewww ewwww! #as #adultswim #
  • idk, i did laugh, but really i think robot chicken was trying too hard tonight. bit too much blood and vomit… #adultswim #ewwwww #
  • Ya know, I'm actually pretty amazed that anyone would post nude pics of themselves on Facebook. They always end up all over the net! #
  • Woo hoo! #Kindle sales of Anime Aftershocks continue to grow! #ebook #anime #cosplay #conventions #
  • Anime Aftershocks is doing even better on the #Nook my reader of choice, for some reason. #ebook #anime #cosplay #
  • I chose the #Nook because it's Android based and a more open platform. Do #anime fans like open source better? #
  • Just finished NGE: Campus Apocalypse vol1 #manga I likes it! Looking forward to a new look at Kaworu. New #cosplay possibilities too.^^ #

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