- Ugh, 2 hour commute back into the city again….:( #
- Woo hoo! Late night tweeting! #
- Had a major snoozefest after the long drive home, so not much writing was done tonight…As in no writing at all, LOL. XD #
- Still nice to see that my crossplay guide is being useful to more people. Yay! ^_^ http://j.mp/gtjman #crossdress #cosplay #ebook #
- I love stories with identity and/or transgender themes so now I'm writing one of my own, #SciFi of course. Hopefully finished this month. #
- Hoping to double the Learncrest library this month! But now it's time to sleep…yawn!! http://j.mp/fote9R #ebook #Kindle #Nook #iPad #
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One reply on “Twitter Updates for 2011-06-14”
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