- Teradata Signs On To Hadoop With Hybrid: http://t.co/JynqiaTK – Hadoop is where all the cool kids are! #bigdata #
- Oh My! A thinking man's guide to crossplay loves the #Nook too! http://j.mp/iXzmYh #crossdressing #cosplay #ebook #
- Argh! Why is this script taking so long to run today? #coderage #
- I don't cosplay because I don't like being myself. #Cosplay is just more self to be! http://j.mp/jvNHQ7 http://j.mp/dESrQj #ebook #
- @TheBigN Hmm, people shouldn't leave their cocks hangin out in the street! XD in reply to TheBigN #
- Cool Dragon*Con video http://j.mp/mX8Tcb #cosplay #dragoncon #
- @LadySarahA Neeeeerrrrrrdddddd!!!! XD #nerd in reply to LadySarahA #
- Wow, I think it might be time to teach my youngest daughter how to use the sewing machine. Better buy some more needles, LOL! #cosplay #
- @LoriHeizer Cool! I knew I'd have to share my machine one of these days! #cosplay in reply to LoriHeizer #
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