- WTF! RT @CBSNews: A new report from the CBO confirms richest 1% of Americans are getting exponentially richer – http://t.co/gsXkMLEB #
- Halloween, #Youmacon and #cosplay yeah! Let A thinking man's guide to crossplay be your secret sauce! ~_^ http://t.co/15JmzuM3 #Kindle #
- @Youmacon has been one of my favorite cons since I started going in 2007! Last year I was drafted into It's A Trap! LOL XD #cosplay #
- I wrote some about my #Youmacon adventures in Anime Aftershocks and a bunch of other cons too. http://t.co/81wNNZFg #Kindle #ebook #
- At last year's #Youmacon I successfully stumped Vic Mignogna in #StarTrek Original Series trivia! No small feat, dude knows his Trek! #
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