- LOL, am I a bad person for wanting to sell stuff to the #NATO protesters? People get thirsty ya know! #NATOcalypse #
- Oooh so tempting to buy Diablo III, but I'm a cheap-ass gamer with no time. Still peer pressure is a b*tch! #
- Maybe I'll just play Tera until the Diablo III launch rush dies down a bit. #
- New JManga layout is nice, but still no iPad app. Until then, here's a work around. http://t.co/EzNn8iaw #ipad #manga @JManga_official #
- OK, I guess I'm done with Final Fantasy XIV. It just keeps crashing with Direct X disconnect errors. Total POS!!! Goodbye Square Enix. #
- Now that Final Fantasy XIV has thoroughly broken my heart, time to rebound and join the Diablo III party I guess… #vidya #
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