- Ready to cross the line at #Animazement Do it with A thinking man's guide to crossplay! http://t.co/tWAA7SUN #cosplay #ebook #
- I'd love to see Tenchi Muyo again! Thanks @Funimation! ^_^ #anime #
- 1st, if you're a parent taking kids to an anime con this weekend, HOORAY! 2nd, this is for you! http://t.co/ljmociLW #Animazement #
- Sadly, I can't get to every con. So I just hang out virtually on Twitter and YouTube. #
- As #Fanime opens up, let Anime Aftershocks be your line con companion! http://t.co/aAJsRCqz #kindle #ebook #
- Anime Aftershocks is on the #Nook too. ^_^ http://t.co/AKVevDsa #ebook #Fanime #Animazement #
- The Nook Tablet is actually great for comics and manga. So I got my daughter one for graduation. 🙂 #
- Remember kids, anime is cool, but stay in school. Until you graduate that is, then go to #Animazement #Fanime etc… LOL XD #
- 1st time crossplayer? This guide may help. http://t.co/tWAA7SUN #Fanime #Animazement #cosplay #ebook #
- Anime North is this weekend too. Oh hai! I love Toronto! ^_^ @anime_north #
- Queued up for #AnimeNorth Anime Aftershocks stands with you! http://t.co/aAJsRCqz #ebook #
- I loves me some Ryoko! #Animazement #
- Cosplay is probably the biggest thing that keeps me going to cons every year. ^_^ http://t.co/tmb8Fqk1 #anime #cosplay #
- I love to #cosplay but I generally spend more time behind the camera than in front of it! http://t.co/mWQ5sAFw #
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