Now that Bush has nominated someone qualified for the Supreme Court, the real fight is on. Judge Alito has shown himself to be firmly on the right and a backer of government power over individual freedom. Obviously the Democrats will fight this, but I say don’t fight too hard and go ahead and confirm the guy. People never understand what freedom is until someone takes it away from them.
If Alito tips the court to the right and Roe v. Wade is reversed and other freedoms, such as the right to privacy and 1st Amendment rights are chipped away, then maybe the country will finally wake up and realize what kind of fools they keep electing. Conservative law makers will no longer be able to write and pass anti-abortion laws safe in the knowledge that the Supreme Court will over turn them. The fight will finally be a real one, and if the polls are any indication, most Americans do not want restrictive anti-abortion laws. If the Democrats get their act together and run as the champions of freedom, they should clean up very nicely.