Anime, Manga, Etc

Otakon Prep

The couple of days before a convention are always exciting for me. And as I get ready for my second Otakon, I’m actually more excited about it than last year. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go next year, so I’m playing this one for all it’s worth! So what happens at Otakon, stays at Otakon, so to speak! 😉

This year I’m focusing on seeing the musical guests and karaoke. So my first big task will be getting a ticket for the Friday night MUCC and Nana Kitade concerts. I don’t know yet when or if Yoshiki is performing. And I also want to see if Otakon can pull off Otaku Idol this year. Given the success that ACEN had with their Idol show, the gauntlet has been thrown down! One of these days I hope to compete, but I’ll have to memorize more songs first.

Kitade-san is also hosting a gothic lolita fashion show, which should be quite delicious!