Anime, Manga, Etc General

Attack of the Tartans!

Yesterday afternoon I brought my old exercise cycle up from the basement in part because my condo is doing a basement clean out. The other part is wanting to add the cycle back into my workout routines. I got the thing cleaned up and found a spot for it in a corner of the living room. Then the next thing that popped into my head was, “Hey! I should get some fabric and make a nice cover for it!” I decided that a nice red tartan would be good. Now I just need time to buy the fabric.

It’s funny that this all got started with my first cosplay project. And now I can’t get this creation bug out of my head, not that I really want to of course! I’m having a lot of fun doing it, and this week’s challenge is to finish up my son’s Inuyasha costume in time for Halloween. I’m hoping to get the “hammer pants” at least started tonight. He’s going to work on the ears and the Tetsuaiga himself. Hmmm, I wonder how Inuyasha would look in red tartan?