I have a serious case of the blahs today. 🙁 I certainly have plenty of work to do, but am totally unmotivated. It could be a let down from the hospital drama earlier this week. Or it could be that I’m just a Class A slacker. Ehh, who knows? Maybe it’s because I have a copy of Final Fantasy XII (a 15th wedding anniversary treat for myself :3 ) sitting on the shelf at home just itching to be played. Mmmmm, could be…
I actually do manage to get a lot of work done despite the occasional attack of the blahs. Last night I successfully migrated WillowBrow from Blogger to WordPress and she is very happy with the much easier to use WordPress. I also learned some new SQL tricks yesterday that will help me with a data migration job, w00t! And I’ve had my first, “It’s okay to be nerdy.” talk with my oldest son who’s being teased a little at school. So life goes on.