Anime, Manga, Etc

tasty grilled mangaKabob

This morning I woke up thinking, I’ll create a little manga and anime aStore! Thus mangaKabob, a tasty shishkabob of manga and anime was born. Creating these Amazon aStores is so easy and addictive that I imagine there will be a great increase in little Amazon powered boutique web storefronts soon. I still have some original artwork to add, but most of what I had in mind is there, a variety of genres build around things I’ve read or seen, and breaking things out into categories like shonen ai, yaoi, shoujo ai, and yuri. Finding yaoi was relatively easy, so I wasn’t expecting as much trouble as I had trying to fill out yuri from the Amazon catalog. I guess yuri hasn’t quite taken off yet, at least not enough to be listed as such.