Back in the day, I used to be an OS Cowboy. I loved loading up new operating systems when they came out with their promises of improved this and improved that. I even installed the betas, months before the release to get a sneak peak and to help sniff out bugs. I am a veteran of the great OS/2 vs Windows war, on the losing side…sigh. These days I run Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux. I’ve retired from the OS battles for the most part, choosing to use what works in a generally agnostic fashion. Still, I’d love to get my hands on Windows Vista, except for one little problem… It’s too f***ckin g*damn expensive! The family pack discount is a good idea, but the upfront cost is still too darn high!
If Microsoft wants to spread Vista far and wide, they have a strange way of doing it with what they’re going to charge for it. At $399 for a full copy of Windows Vista Ultimate (the only one worth having IMHO), it’s way out of reach for me and probably a lot of other like minded people out there. Such a high price virtually guarantees that Vista will not only be cracked, but that cracked copies may be the preferred method of upgrading to Windows Vista. C’mon Microsoft, give us a break!