
Goodbye CompUSA!

Goodbye CompUSA, I’m not sure I’ll really miss you… CompUSA is closing half of its US stores, including what I believe is the last Chicago CompUSA on Chicago avenue next to the American Girl Place. I’m not sure I’ll miss them though, because over the years I’ve found that CompUSA has always been the most expensive place to buy anything. You name it, it costs more than the same thing at Micro Center. This was particularly frustrating because otherwise, CompUSA was the most convenient place to get computer hardware and supplies. I guess they just couldn’t compete, or just didn’t find their niche. In the end, it looked like they were trying to compete in the same consumer space as Best Buy or Circuit City, but without being able to offer the same kinds of discounts. Sadly, even now with the 10% to 30% discounts of the store closing sale, the prices still suck!