
Ubuntu and Linksys WPS54G Print Server

I’ve been having some fun over the last few days getting reacquainted with my Ubuntu installation. I’ve just upgraded to Ubuntu 7.04, Feisty Fawn and so far am very pleased with overall performance. It always makes me wonder why I even bother going back into Windows XP at all.

All was not well in paradise though when it came to printing. My printer is now connected to a Linksys WPS54G wireless print server that quite honestly, I have not been impressed with. While working in Windows, it seems to just go to sleep whenever it feels like it, but I can usually get it to work eventually, usually after a power cycle or two. It’s a real pain. I thought I had had it working in my earlier version of Ubuntu, but today no amount of power cycling or cursing seemed to work. So I decided to try IPP, internet protocol printing, since the manual said it supported that.

Hooray! Setting the printer to IPP in Ubuntu using the local network address of the print server did the trick. Next I’ll see if doing this in Windows XP improves printing performance there as well. Perhaps the real trouble lies in how the server handles Windows networking or printing protocols.