The 10th Anime Central has come and gone, and I have the usual post convention let down as I ease back into normal life. ACen had a lot of problems this year, beginning with the mailed badges fiasco which led to my waiting in line for over 2 hours and paying an additional $5 for the privilege. But I won’t get into that because it has been beaten to death in the ACen forums and elsewhere already. The con also seemed more disorganized than previous ones I’ve attended. But on the whole, we had a good time. It was a busy busy con for me because the whole family cosplayed, except for my oldest daughter who wears gothic dress everyday!
I made costumes and music videos. All 7 costumes were worn, including my two crossplays as Kagome and Kaname. But my AMVs did not make the competition cut. No worries, I just uploaded them to YouTube. So here are links to my cosplay pics and the AMV’s.