They say that life’s a bitch, well I guess then time’s a bastard! Another college reunion has come and gone for me. It was good to see a few familiar faces again, now with kids! But today I am sad. I’m sad because there was one person I was hoping to see who did not come. And with the passing of time, I realize and have to accept now that I’m probably never going to see or talk to her again. My time in this world is running out, and there is nothing I can do about it.
I’m certainly not planning on dying tomorrow, and while I believe that there is more to my existence than this physical world, I am no less saddened by the unavoidable end of my life here. At some point, one realizes that his or her shining moment on the stage is passing. Someone else is going to get the leads from now on leaving you with the roles of mom or dad, uncle or aunt. It isn’t all bad, indeed, to play one’s role well is something to aspire to always. Still I miss the promise of that early lead, and still crave the spotlight. Well, the sun has not set yet, so maybe I’ll get a few more curtain calls before the fade to black.