Anime, Manga, Etc General Tech

YouTube Stats: My 31 Country AMV World Tour

YouTube has just made more detailed video stats available to all users of the service. Now any YouTube user can see where their viewers are and how popular their videos are in a particular geographic region. It was pretty cool to see that my most popular anime music video has been seen in 31 countries around the world. In particular, it was cool to see just how your YouTube network of friends and subscribers probably influences regional popularity. I’m sure that for some of my videos their popularity in France and Spain was probably due to some friends I have in those countries. Some things are obvious, like Japanese language AMVs having significant popularity in Japan. But a couple with popularity in China and Indonesia had me scratching my head a bit, probably an extended friends network effect, friends of friends… In any case, fun tool! I’m sure the YouTube servers will be working overtime as more of my narcissistic brethren have fun with this new toy!^^

Viewed In 31 Countries!