Last year I had a great time at Youmacon and this year did not disappoint. First, moving to a much larger hotel, the Hyatt Dearborn, was definitely a winning move. Moving around was a lot easier as well as getting cosplay pics on the fly as I moved from one place to another. So I had a great time!
I’m not planning to go into great detail here, but I tried to get to things that I did not last year, like Live Action Mario Party and Live Action Mario Party After Dark. People sure do like screaming “hentai!!” And I went to a lot of panels, and watched a lot of AMVs, including a couple that I entered. I met some online friends and got to party with them at the rave. I went to the AMV dance too. I also participated in the Haruhi photoshoot, a first for me! ^___^ I love taking pictures, but tend to look horrible in pictures myself, so I only hope I didn’t wreck the shoot! In any case, what’s done is done and I feel pretty good about it.
I finished my Mikuru cosplay literally half an hour before I left for the con, but it all turned out well. I got a lot of compliments on it and picture requests. I also went ahead and entered the hall cosplay contest, mainly because I was happy with the costume and love talking a bit about it!:3 Usually I only wear a costume one day, but I was so happy with it that I washed it Saturday night, dried and pressed it to wear again on Sunday.
Needless to say, I hope I get to go again next year. And now for a lovely woman in a gorgeous chong sam who was kind enough to pose for me.